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Show and Tell Tuesday: Favorite Vacation

Happy Tuesday!

Today I am linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesday and today it is all about Favorite Vacation(s).

 The year Scott and I got married we traveled the road together for 7 months! We worked in a moving truck moving furniture, and we ran the entire United States. I considered it a big vacation because we just had so much fun I barely remember working! Well for three weeks in August, our truck was broken down and we just so happened to be stuck in West Virginia. We had to rent a truck to get a customer's shipment to its destination but the rest of the time we just sat around waiting for our truck to be done. In that three week span we went to Pittsburgh, Niagara Falls, Chicago, Wisconsin, Maryland, Hershey Park, Shenandoah Caverns, and Natural Bridge Zoo just outside of Roanoke. I consider this a vacation because we were not working, and because it was the best time for my husband and I. We had a blast exploring together much more than we already had and it was our last time doing anything crazy before Charlotte was born in 2014.

So sit back, relax and enjoy!

Going into Pittsburgh was awesome! You come out of a tunnel in the side of a mountain and see the city! It was all bridges and steel and it was absolutely breathtaking

We walked around downtown, got some Starbucks and found a little ice cream shop to grab a snack at! It was fun exploring this city! 

The next day we were in New York, and I was taken aback by the rest stops. The rest stops were in the middle of the tollway, and you parked on your side of the highway and walked over the interstate to the middle! It was scary but cool! 

The next morning we woke up, grabbed some warm clothes for me, and went to Niagara Falls

It was amazing!

Seeing the power of the water was so cool, beautiful and just amazing

I don't know if you can tell in this photo but I was terrified to be standing where I was! The bridge was so high and I am terrified of heights

Behind Scott is the bridge to Canada! Being able to look out and see Canada was just too cool for words! 

Getting drenched by the falls on the Maid of the Mist!
I am absolutely terrified of boats, but I still got on and it was definitely worth it! It is beautiful seeing the falls up close from the boat!

We walked around the grounds and then found a little aquarium where we got to see lots of fish, seals, and penguins! 

On the way out I took this shot of another bridge that leads to Canada! It was packed with Tractor Trailers and cars going to and from Canada. 

The mountains were stunning to look at! 

A few days later  after taking a break in West Virginia to check the progress of our truck and took off for Chicago! Scott is from Chicago and really wanted me to see it!

And it just so happened that the Cubs had just won a game that night so everyone was out and about in the streets

I was nervous but having him drive was the best because he was right in his element

We only saw the city at night since we were headed up to Wisconsin to visit some of his family for breakfast! 

I saw the Mystery Machine at another one of those cool rest stops where you walk across the road and come to this gigantic plaza of different foods, shops and different things to explore. 

The next day we were in Wisconsin

Ready for breakfast! We ate at the cutest little diner and explored a Farmer's Market across the street from the diner

Later that afternoon we were back in Chicago and exploring a mall and stopped at the Rainforest Cafe, since I had never been! 

After a weekend back with our truck seeing the progress and trying to figure out what was going on we took off again and this time we headed through Maryland. We stopped at a train station to explore an old train

and the scenery was gorgeous

I love the mountains! It is amazing and beautiful to see the country!

We were both terrified to be standing here, since it was a straight drop down, where you couldn't see the bottom, but we were brave and got a picture because how can you not with that view?!

The next day we went to Hershey Park

We tasted different chocolate

We saw a cute 4D film

We made our own Hershey bars

And we bought lots of Candy!

Next up we went to Shenandoah Caverns.

Scott kept hitting his head but he enjoyed seeing all the cool stalagmites and stalagtites! The craziest part was when we were done in a room they would turn the lights back off so we were in pitch black trying to find our way to the next area. 

On the same property as the caverns is a museum dedicated to old floats! 

and for size reference, here I am standing with an American flag float! It was huge but beautiful 

Then we made our way to a petting zoo

and this goat was just crazy looking with his horns! We also did a wine tasting with some crazy flavors of wine, the peach was the best but the jalapeno pepper hurt going down it was so hot! 

The next day we happened upon a zoo on the way to a Natural Bridge so we stopped and fed the deer! This deer was trying to eat all the food so Scott got him to stay on one hand and had all the other smaller ones eating out of his other hand

We got to ride on this beautiful animals back

We fed the giraffe too! It was really cool! I have never done that before so being able to check that off my bucket list was pretty awesome

The coolest part of the entire zoo was the ability to hold a baby animal! The day we went was the day for a baby tiger and it was quite the experience. We had to hold him in our laps, and Scott got the bottle for his head and I held his body! It was crazy and just absolutely amazing! Not something I ever saw myself doing! 

We finally got our truck back the last week of August, and took off for home. We stopped at our spot where we got married and then kept on going so we could be at work the next day! 

Happy to be back at work! We ate dinner and crashed that night we got back and were up and running the next day! 

Having those three weeks of not working and exploring with my husband was the absolute best experience and vacation! We weren't working like we planned to be, but we got to experience so much in the three weeks we were without our truck! We ate a lot of good food, I got to see things I had never seen before and I got to load up on lots of sweets and chocolate which my sweet tooth loved! 
With Scott's work schedule we never get the opportunity to plan trips so I am incredibly grateful not only for this three week out of the blue vacation we were able to take but also those 7 months of our marriage where we were together 24/7 in a tiny truck. It truly strengthened our marriage because we were in each other's faces all the time. 

 I cannot wait to read everyone's link ups to get ideas for new vacations to take as a family one day! 

Next time we show what's in your bag, which is always fun! 
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a wonderful Tuesday! 



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