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Back to School for this Momma

My weekend was pretty uneventful. We were all getting over coughs and flus and sneezing and all that so we mostly stayed home. We cleaned the house, baked a cake, I cooked three meals which is a big deal for me since I'm still learning how to cook, and let the dishes pile up and up and up haha. It was my worst nightmare but with little motivation and being sick I couldn't get around to doing them.

The house is finally clean, the Christmas tree is down, all decorations are packed up and everything is back to being spotless and clean.

Today was very very hectic. I started classes again and today I had to actually go to campus. For one class it was to just get the syllabus and for my second class I have to go every Monday because it is my senior capstone class. I'm still having to work schedules out with my school since I cannot find a babysitter for every day and hopefully they work with me like they have been, or once again I'm going to have to stop taking classes. And this time it might have to be for good.

I'm trying to stay positive and keep my head on straight but bad news always affects me pretty hard. I'm so glad Scott was home today to help watch Charlotte because it helped not having to stress about her.

Anyways, enough moaning and groaning. Off to do homework and play with Charlotte before she goes to bed for the night. Scott goes back to work tomorrow. *cue lots and lots of tears* We were originally going to go with him, but once again plans have changed and Charlotte and I are staying home. *grrrrr*

Enough sobbing. Hope everyone had a good safe weekend!



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