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Day in the Life

I have seen so many Day in the Life posts, that I wanted to try and do one for myself! This was from Tuesday of this week, and I tried my hardest to take pictures and keep up with everything! So here goes:

The dog always goes out before anything. Riley just woke up for a bottle at 6:30 after sleeping all night, which is the first time he slept for more than 4 hours at night, so I know little guy needs to go 

I love my Keurig! It is a wonderful wonderful coffee making machine :)
6:30 is technically when I woke up to feed Riley, but this is the first chance I could take a picture, and is officially when I got out of bed for the day.

 Riley has been changed and loves to stare at the hallway light, so I leave him there for a few minutes while I tackle washing his bottles which have been soaking over night in hot hot water.
There are a few of Charlotte's cups as well

Once the dishes get done, we move to the bouncer, which he loves to sit in during the day.

Charlotte is making noise pretty early this morning so I walk in to get her up as well.

Mid yawn, mid telling me "Mommy I threw my blanket and elephant on the floor"

Smiling at his birds that he loves so very much.

By 7:30, I have Charlotte a cup of milk, myself a cup of coffee, my computer in my lap since Riley does not like me sitting too far away from him, and Charlotte is coloring while I watch Good Morning America and work on emails, check my blog and other social media, and text the hubby to tell him good morning.

At 8 am, we have our first toddler fit. She was not getting her way and therefore she decided to throw herself in the floor

As a result, brother was woken up and therefore he got held by Mommy for another hour until his next feeding. 

9:30 am, Riley is being fed, Charlotte has had her Cheerios and a banana for breakfast and has now decided to read her books while music is on.

After Riley finishes eating, I make my breakfast smoothie, made of bananas, orange juice, a small teaspoon of sugar and some mixed berries! Yum :) , which causes the toddler to want some.

A whole new level of begging.

She decides to throw another fit, because Mommy would not let her have too much of her smoothie

Riley is now changed, dressed for the day, and smiling at his birds again

After the epic fit that Charlotte would not stop throwing, she went down for an early nap at 10:30. She woke up early so I guess that makes sense. Soon Riley is asleep in his bouncer as well and sleep until 12:30 when it is time for his next bottle.

At 11:45 Charlotte wakes up from her early nap and is ready for some lunch. Today she has a peanut butter sandwich, some orange slices, and some water

After Charlotte eats, and Riley eats at 12:30 we hop in the car after getting everyone bundled up and 

head to our favorite Mimi's work!

Once Mimi has to go back to work at 2 we head to the park, where Charlotte throws herself into the grass and leaves immediately.

Her favorite thing to do now, is ride on the slide

and Riley's favorite thing ever to do is sleep!

At about 2:45 we start heading back to the car because its getting cloudy and too windy to stay out, and Riley will be eating soon. Charlotte helps Mommy push the stroller

Charlotte goes down for another nap at 3:30, after struggling to get her to calm down for 30 minutes and this little and I have cuddles and bubble blowing time. 

At 5:30, Mimi comes to pick Charlotte up and Riley and I head to the grocery store! He is such a good little helper

Normally we have tummy time at this time, but Riley was pretty fussy and wanted nothing to do with laying down. At 6:30 Riley starts to have his fussy time, and fusses for a good hour before his next feeding, but once he eats at 7:30 he is all good laying on Mommy until big sister gets home at 8

Tonight big sister watched Bubble Guppies before bath time 

Then it was bath, and bed for Charlotte. She is normally in bed by 9, or sooner depending on how tired she is or depending on if she watches Bubble Guppies before or after bath time. There is one at 8 and one at 8:30 so it depends on how difficult she is being.

Finally I get to eat dinner, and its just a frozen pizza kind of night. With all the fussiness from Riley right before Charlotte got home, and the need to run to the grocery store I didn't make an actual meal. 

At 10:30 Riley wakes up for his last feeding, and at this point I stopped taking pictures, which probably had to do with being on the phone with the hubby.

After Riley finishes eating, I give him a bath, put his pajamas on, and swaddle him, give him a few cuddles then turn his white noise on so he will fall asleep on his own. I do one more load of dishes, text the hubs saying I love you, let the dog out and then hop in bed myself because I know Riley will be up in four hours to eat again. 

So there you have it, a day in the life of the Wicks household on quite a busy Tuesday. Some days are busy and some days we don't even leave the apartment, and one of these days I will do one when Daddy is home so you can see how different our day is when we have Daddy around :)

Have a great day!


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