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The Wicks family goes to the Zoo

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

It is nasty outside, pouring rain, high winds and thunder and lightening so its a stay inside and color, play with books and massive amounts of toys and continue to pack!

Today I am going to post about our zoo trip more in depth!
On Sunday we took a trip to the Atlanta Zoo! Being a Georgia girl I have of course been as a kid but didn't remember it all because I haven't been in so long, so it felt like the first time for us all! We loaded up the kiddos after giving Riley a bottle and left our house at about 11:15 and go to the zoo at 12:30 since we had to stop to fuel up! Once we got there we got the double stroller and went inside, after buying our tickets of course! And Momma couldn't help taking a picture of my three loves under the sign!

Charlotte loves elephants so we spent a lot of time looking at the elephants! She makes the cutest elephant noise when I ask her what the elephant says! 

My hubs with the two kiddos! Such an amazing man

Our family of four! With no one looking at the camera and smiling but me haha. 

Mimi's favorite animal is the Giraffe so I sent this picture to her, and she loved it! Seeing her grandbaby with a giraffe is a picture with  two of her favorite things! 

After the lions, giraffes, and other animals from the African Plains we moved onto the monkeys! The Lemurs were so much fun, and the black and white one down below would jump up close to us and then jump down and hang upside down! It was so cute and Charlotte loved it

My boy! He would look at me and then look at the monkeys and then look back and smile at me! He was such a good little at the zoo! Cannot wait to take him back once he is older! 

This guy was so cute sitting off by himself making faces!

This guy kept hiding his face and then looking and then hiding his face!

My three with the big gorilla! 

These otters were huge! I didn't realize they could get so big because I have only seen the little ones that are in the Aquarium but I loved them all the same :) 

Making faces with my boy while Daddy and Charlotte went to look at some more monkeys! 

The beautiful tiger!

Panda bear! 

Hey Momma! What was that thing that moved! :) 

Charlotte would sit forward when the panda was far away but would sit back the closer it got! It was so cute
Right before we made it to the Panda's Charlotte started to lose it! I knew it was lunch time and diaper changing time so we rushed through the pandas and immediately to the food pavilion so we could get lunch, that smelled sooooo good, and so I could change diapers! 

She insisted on eating in her seat, even though she was sitting in my lap right before this picture

And Riley insisted on eating Scott's hand haha 
Once lunch was done, we went to the kangaroos and kids zone. There were turtles, birds, and a petting zoo which we didn't do but Charlotte loved talking to the kangaroos! 

Scott got this one to turn towards us and she loved talking to it! She thought it was a puppy and would make such cute noises at it

On the way out Charlotte heard the carousel and so we had to ride it! She loves the carousel so much, so I took her on it while Scott stayed with Riley who by this time was napping in his seat again! 

She loves riding the carousel! When we first took her on it when she was about a year old she hated it but soon loved it because Daddy was making wheee noises which got her to laugh. Now she just absolutely loves them and we cannot get by one without her getting on! 

Me and the hubs and the elephant! Got him to smile in this one! 
On our way out we saw the back of the elephants so we stopped for some more pictures! 

Charlotte just loves Elephants! 

After we got done we went into the gift shop for a few things to commemorate our day and then we headed home! The kids were so exhausted that they both slept the entire way, including sitting at a rest area for a bathroom, drink break! We left the car on, and the window down and they slept the entire 30 minutes we were stopped! It was such a great trip and for the price it was definitely worth it! We are already planning our next trip and even possibly a trip out to San Diego to go to that zoo since we have heard such good things about it! Who knows! It probably won't happen this year, but we like to talk about things that we want to do so we can work up to them! :) Check it out if you are ever in the area! It is definitely worth it.



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