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Show and Tell Tuesday: Day in the Life

Today I am doing one of my favorite posts not only to write but also to read! I love being able to see everyone's lives and how we all live differently! It's a lot of fun! My last day in the life was when Riley was a new little baby so it was time to do a new one!
Today I'm linking up with Show and Tell Tuesday over on Andrea's blog and showing you a Day in the Life!

Ignore the lack of furniture and all the boxes, we just moved into our house this past week and are still working on getting everything together! 

Today was a later start to our day! With Scott only being 15 minutes from work we can sleep a little bit later! :) 

The pup goes on a walk with Scott and then into the backyard to eat and play

Coffee! :) 

I hear the kiddos start making noise about 7:30 so I got upstairs and get Charlotte up, change her diaper

and make her bed!

Then we go get Riley, change him 

and make his bed, and turn his sound machine off!

Not happy that I put him down

After some fruit it is time for a bottle

and a sippy cup of milk for Charlotte :)

I have another cup of coffee and watch some news, which is not pictured because this chair is next to the tv.

Time for dishes

and checking email and my blogs

This boy finishes his breakfast and hangs out in the bouncer

And this girl gets bananas and cereal for breakfast

I got grab a shirt for this one because it is just a bit chilly this morning

and then he wants to move to the floor

Charlotte hears me making a bagel and asks for some so she gets half and I get the other half

About halfway through my bagel this boy needs some cuddles with mommy

Before I know it, this face turns into his first nap of the day! 

About 30 minutes later he wakes up so I lay him on the floor mat and he just stares for a few minutes

The dog gets a bone

I brush my teeth

Throw some laundry in

and finally make our bed

Then the kiddos come upstairs to play

and I fold laundry

While Riley is eating again, I sit down and play with Charlotte

and do some more laundry

Riley is done with his bottle so we play with all the toys and puzzles

and then clean up so Charlotte can eat lunch!

I try to lay Riley down for a nap

and bring the dog in because it is getting hot

and make some lunch for Charlotte and a quick bite for myself 

This boy is not wanting to lay down so I grab him and we cuddle while Charlotte eats

Then it is time for both kiddos to lay in bed and rest

I have some cheesecake! YUM :)

After two and a half hour naps from both of these littles we hop in the car with juice for char and a bottle for Riley and head to the grocery store

Charlotte walked right after these pictures but for the beginning I have to throw her in the cart because she always wants the car cart and I don't get it because Riley isn't quite old enough yet! 

Chubby cheeks that I just love!

After getting the groceries in and put away we play outside before dinner, and I also let the dog out again to run around 

Laying on the blanket in the grass

Pushing her bubble mower! She loved it! 

These two love having a yard and grass to play in

Time to make dinner. Tonight we had spaghetti with meat sauce. Yum

Daddy is home

and this girl made a complete and total mess

After dinner we put the dog back in and went to put some air in my tires, because my light came on, and then grabbed Dairy Queen!

Then it was bath time when we got home

and bed for these two munckins 

 last load of dishes

Cleaning up Charlotte's puzzles

and watching a movie with the hubby!

Finally crawled into bed and watched a little tv before falling asleep :) 

I didn't originally have grocery shopping on the schedule but when you have one diaper left you have to run and get some so I just got the rest of our groceries while out because we live 15 minutes away from the Publix! :( 
It was a fun day in the Wicks household, and despite the fact that I have boxes and boxes to still complete we are settling in nicely to our new home, and loving having Scott home everynight! 

If you want to check out my last Day in the Life you can check that here.

It feels so good to have internet again and to be able to post on my blog again and join back into the link ups! I missed a few with the transition of moving and being without internet but I always enjoy doing a Day in the Life! I cannot wait to read the rest in the link up! 

Join us next time! 

Have a great Tuesday and thanks for stopping by! 



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