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Showing posts from June, 2016

Day Trip to the Zoo

The Saturday before Father's Day we took off on an adventure! We headed south to the Jacksonville Zoo so we could explore and so Charlotte could see all the animals! I have been wanting to take her to this zoo for so long and  I am glad we finally managed to go. We didn't rush out the door but left by about 10 so we got to the zoo about noon. It wasn't too hot but it was super cloudy so it was humid so we took our time walking around and enjoying all the animals. This one was tired of being in her carseat even though it was only a 90 minute drive. Luckily her Daddy got her a donut for the last 30 minutes and she was good until we got to the zoo. The first thing we did when we got there was pet the sting rays! It was such an interesting experience. Some were slimy, some were smooth and others had ridges on their backs so they weren't as nice to touch. There was one huge sting ray that was just sitting at the bottom of the little pool just watching the other...

Life Lately after an unexpected break!

Hello Again Blogging World! I am finally back! I took an unexpected break due to some family problems that turned into just spending all the time with my littles and just enjoying being away from social media for a little while! I have been soaking up all the time I can with them and just really focusing on family life! So now I am back with a little Life Lately, weekend recap post for y'all! Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy! :) Charlotte tried out the skateboard for a little ride! She didn't last long but it made the most adorable picture!  This little is pulling up more and more and is starting to cook with his sister on her play kitchen! He is getting to be so big! Charlotte looks like she is pouting but she was just playing with the pile of toys that surround her on the floor :)  We saw a turtle crossing our neighbors yard, and so we went out to look at it! She was beautiful!  Charlotte has started to blow bubbles on brother's back whil...