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Showing posts from January, 2017

Weekend Recap!

Happy Monday! I wont lie, today is a lot like my dish towel says: We had all the plans to go exploring and do something productive this weekend, but I only managed to clean the entire kitchen on Friday afternoon while the babies were napping! Here is a a bit of our weekend:  Friday morning started out with two monkeys jumping on the bed bright and early!  I love how they wake up so happy in the morning Riley got his 15 month shots on Thursday so I was fully expecting a grump and a half and got a very happy smiley baby boy instead!  We practiced blowing kisses We snuggled and we ran around with our backpack of toys Mommy did not unpack from the doctor's visit.  Saturday we spent lots of time snuggling on the couch, napping, and watching cartoons and just relaxing before hitting up the grocery store for a big trip. We got home late enough it was a sandwich for dinner kind of night.  Sunday we had plans to go out and ab...

Year in Review 2016

Holy cow it has been a while! Now that it is 2017 and things are slow with work, I am finally able to take a minute and step back and visit this wonderful blog of mine! I have really missed being able to write, and share life with everyone so I have got a good blog for everyone today! Since it has been so long and a life lately post just won't do justice to how insanely crazy it has been since last October I thought I would do a Year in Review for 2016! This is a long post so grab your coffee, tea, or whatever you would like to keep comfy and cozy and sit back and enjoy the ride! January We started out the new year in style... all piled up in Mom and Dad's bed watching football While Riley napped, us girls had some quality time together and painted our toenails!  This little guy looked handsome and cute and tiny and eek. I just cannot put into words how absolutely adorable he is Ollie got to visit the doctor for his regular visits  And we took our...