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Easter activities 2019!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

 I took the last week off to celebrate Easter and then we were on Spring Break and I was soaking up all the time I had with my big girl before she headed back to school! 

I tried to get the kiddos involved as much as I could in the Easter egg hunts around town, so we did lots and lots of activities. 

Back on the same day as the Strawberry Festival we went to an Easter egg hunt in the same city that Charlotte goes to school. We actually parked in her parking lot and walked to the stadium and field behind her school where all of the activities were located. So I have never taken my kiddos to an event like this, we have always just done our egg hunts at home... so this was all new to me, and plus I have a new little one. But we enjoyed ourselves and had such a blast! 
Little bit slept in his car seat once I rocked him, hence why he is unbuckled. 

Look at all the Easter eggs! I took a before pic, but me being the mom I am made the kiddos look directly into the sun on accident and so the picture is more them grimacing than smiling haha, so I just didn't add that one in! 

Charlotte got lots of eggs

and Riley did well and went super fast and got the most eggs! 

After the egg hunt we played on the bounce houses and this little one Mickey Mouse one was the perfect size for Riley

and it helps that his favorite is Mickey Mouse :) 
Char was off running with her friends, so I didn't get any pictures but we had such a blast for our first time doing a community egg hunt! 

The Saturday before Easter I dressed up the kids, and headed up to the city north of us for another morning of festivities! 

look how adorable these three are! :) 

First we hit up the bounce houses, because its just so much fun! 

Then we ran into the Easter bunny 

and gave him a quick hug before playing on the playground for a minute

We hopped in line with our easter baskets

and thankfully they let me put the kiddos in the same group, since I was solo with three 

My sweet babies! 

and off they went! 

A picture of all three with the Easter bunny for our Easter bunny 2019 photo

and this sweet boy was loving being bundled up but out in the sunshine! 

After running around for a few hours, we ran to Walmart for groceries and ran into the easter bunny again, so we gave him a quick hug before leaving! 

After dinner and once it was good and dark, I hid some glow in the dark Easter eggs and surprised the kids. They had such a good time and wanted to go to bed with their new Easter eggs! It was so much fun to watch them! 

The Easter bunny came for. a visit that night after the kiddos were in bed! 

and the kiddos were so excited when they woke up! 

After some playing an Easter egg hunt and some breakfast, I finished packing our bags and then packed up the minivan, and the three kiddos and I took off for Athens. 

We arrived at Mimi's house in time to decorate an Easter cake

the magnificent bunny cake! 

and this little guy was so happy to be out of his car seat after five hours! 

We did an Easter egg hunt with Mimi and Grandpa 

and took some cute sibling photos before calling it a night! 

Love these three sweethearts! 

Blessed to be living this life with my sweet littles all because Jesus sacrificed himself for us! He is Risen and we are blessed! 
I watched Easter service this year online, and it was a wonderful service where Charlotte got to sit with me and understand even more about what Easter is truly about! We may have done lots of egg hunts and bunny related things, but we definitely also talked about Jesus and just what it meant to be celebrating Easter and celebrating Jesus rising! Now that Charlotte is five I love just talking to her about church and Jesus and watching her be interested and wanting to learn more! I'm so excited to watch her grow even more and watch her help her little brothers learn too! 

With three kiddos life is super hectic and chaotic sometimes, but we make it work!  

Thanks for stopping by! 
We had a wonderful Easter weekend and festivities leading up to it! 
Stay tuned for our Spring Break recap! 

Have a great day! 


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