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Hospital Bag for Baby #3!

Happy Wednesday Ya'll!

Today I thought it would be fun to share what I packed for the hospital when baby Skyler was born! 

With us having moved 6 months after Riley was born, this experience was completely new and different for me and I was very nervous this time around seeing as I delivered my other three babies at the same hospital in Athens! But that is for a different blog post! Stay tuned for his very late birth story, my recovery may be going better this time around but it is still taking me a little longer since I am watching three kiddos! So stay tuned for that!

So first is my bag! This was the bag I packed for myself and the hubs. It is from Target that I got last year while in Athens one night, and I looked everywhere on the website but couldn't find it anymore, but there were some cute options, here and here, if you want to check some other options out that are similar to mine! 

It is very spacious and has a pocket on the outside and inside so it has plenty of room to hold everything I needed to pack! 

First set of items, change for the vending machine for Scott so he could get snacks and drinks if the cafe was closed. My glasses case, since that was one thing the nurses told me I absolutely needed, and my laptop charger, because I brought my laptop and left it in the trunk of my car until we were in our room.

A little notebook for writing things down, like medication or little notes of things I wanted to remember.

Next is the fun stuff, the granny panties, pads and a thing of wipes. With this being a new hospital I wasn't sure what would be provided so I packed a few things just in case! 

Next up was my toiletries, which all sat in this cute clinque bag that I received as a gift from my grandmother one year and I have carried it for toiletries ever since! Its durable and I have spilled an entire bottle of infant Tylenol in it and it cleaned up right away! 

I brought makeup remover wipes, aquaphor for myself as well as for baby, two extra hair ties, shampoo and conditioner, body wash and lotion, and an eye mask, because hospital lights are bright! 

Also in the bag were q-tips, a small travel deodorant, some chopstick, and toothbrush and toothpaste! 

Now for the clothes! 
I packed extra comfy clothes since I was having a c section, and I knew that I wouldn't want anything on my scar so loose sweatpants and shirts were the way to go for me. 

First up, nursing camis. I wear these even when I am not pregnant because they are super soft and comfy to wear! 

Three pairs of socks, two comfy pair and one regular pair 

Two regular t-shirts, that were non-maternity 

and a nightgown! The best thing about this nightgown was that it was easy to be able to access my scar and for them to check me and the top was easily able to be buttoned so that I could nurse and then stay covered up! Plus it covered my butt, unlike the hospital gowns! 

I also packed a maxi shirt, in case the pants I packed didn't work for me. I wanted at least one back-up option that I would pull up over my stomach so as not to be irritated. 

I packed a pair of pants and a long sleeved shirt for Scott so in case he got cold then he would stay warm, and goodness was it cold! He was very appreciative of the flannel after the first night! 

This was my going home outfit, a pair of grey sweatpants that I think are technically pants from the sleepwear section of Target. I got them 5 years ago and they are seriously the most comfortable pair of pants I own. I then put on a nursing bra, and a black maternity shirt to cover up the postpartum belly comfortable without it being too tight! 

 This was my going into the hospital outfit, so it ended up in my bag at the end of the stay! Just a pair of very loose sweatpants that actually belong to my husband, and a Mama Strong Maternity shirt! I wore flip flops into and out of the hospital as well, so I wouldn't have to keep up with a pair of shoes, and because I couldn't fit into shoes while I was pregnant so I knew it would be difficult to wear them after surgery too! 

For some reason I don't have a picture of my robe! I wore the same blue robe that I wore after delivering all of my other sweet babies! 

So there you have it! 
This hospital stay was completely different, with my recovery going well but slow. I ended up having some complications so I got up and walking in the middle of the night so I stayed in the hospital gown until then but was able to put my robe on over the hospital gown to cover my butt once I was able to get up and walking. Then after getting my legs under me I threw on my nightgown just to feel even more comfortable. 

Stay tuned for a combination post of what I used from both the Diaper bag and my bag next week! I definitely overpacked, but with it being a new hospital I just wasn't sure what to expect! I'm glad I packed what I did, but some of it was definitely not needed! 

Thanks for stopping by! 

Have a wonderful day and see you back here Friday! 


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