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Showing posts from August, 2019

Life Lately!

Happy Monday! Its a little life lately post to catch up on our past week! I started back to school for my Masters, Scott started his senior year of undergrad and life has gone crazy!  This little is working on sitting up, and finding all of his toys that he didn't know he had until he became mobile. He isn't crawling but he is really good at rolling himself around the place!  With sister in school all day these two are becoming best friends! I'll catch Skyler pulling R's hair, but I will also catch them laughing and playing and reading together! It's the sweetest little bond!  He enjoyed rolling himself underneath his crib a lot, all while I was sitting in the room with him! He loves to explore, even when it means momma has to rescue him from under the bed :P Afternoon cartons, goldfish and playing with toys We have been reading lots of books lately, we are going to the library this week to get some books but Ri has enjoyed reading wha...

Life Lately: Back to School

Happy Monday! Last week was a blur, with starting school and getting up early we were all exhausted and excited for being able to sleep in this weekend!  My sweet girl started Kindergarten this year!  And Riley is getting so big too!  Don't blink, babies definitely don't keep!  Excited for her first day of school!  This was the only day she wanted me to walk her in, and goodness did my heart break a little knowing she wanted to do it all by herself, but then it reminded me just how independent and big she is getting and I am so proud of the little lady she is growing up to be!  Wednesday this girl wanted to help Mom make dinner, and I was all for having a little helper!  Thursday we experienced our first storm at pick up! It blew over quickly, and luckily right in time so the kids didn't get wet getting in the cars!  Friday morning started super early with two baby boys in momma's bed!  ...

Diaper Bag: Hospital Edition 2.0

Happy Wednesday Ya'll!  We have made it halfway through our first week back to school! It's been super busy and hard getting back into a routine but we are excited to be back to school! Today I am going to share what I didn't use in the diaper bag when we were in the hospital with Baby #3! I shared what I packed here so if you didn't get a chance to see that post, you can go back and visit that!                                         This is the diaper bag I packed for the newest addition to our family! I used it with Riley when he was a baby and until he was 2, and it was by far my favorite bag to use for my kids. I have recently gotten a diaper backpack, which is seriously a life changer for moms of multiple kids, but this one worked well for a month until I needed to upgrade to something a little easier to carry around! First thing I packed was a bunch of onesies! I r...

Life Lately

Happy Monday!  Today is our first day back to school, and I cannot believe I have a Kindergartener! Time flies and babies definitely don't keep! Today I'm sharing a little bit of life lately from our last couple weeks of Summer break! We had such a good break, but we are all craving our routine, so its nice to start getting back into one! First up we took a picnic lunch to the park one day and this little one practiced his sitting up skills It was the perfect temperature to play since it was not too hot, and these kids ran and played for two hours  We had lots of movie and pizza nights Hubby and I with the baby went exploring while the older two kids were at Mimi's for a sleepover and we found a cute little restaurant on the water!  These three were happy to be reunited and promptly made a mess We took many bike rides Made lots of puzzles Raced against sister while she was riding Sat quietly and colored at the...