Happy Wednesday Ya'll!
We have made it halfway through our first week back to school! It's been super busy and hard getting back into a routine but we are excited to be back to school!
Today I am going to share what I didn't use in the diaper bag when we were in the hospital with Baby #3! I shared what I packed here so if you didn't get a chance to see that post, you can go back and visit that!
This is the diaper bag I packed for the newest addition to our family! I used it with Riley when he was a baby and until he was 2, and it was by far my favorite bag to use for my kids. I have recently gotten a diaper backpack, which is seriously a life changer for moms of multiple kids, but this one worked well for a month until I needed to upgrade to something a little easier to carry around!
First thing I packed was a bunch of onesies! I remember when my other littles were born they were given little hospital shirts that unbuttoned on one side, but the diaper was exposed so you didn't have to do too much for all the diaper changes as far as removing clothes went. With this little one, I'm not sure what the policy is, since Skyler was left naked the whole time, well naked except for a diaper of course. I actually preferred it that way, because it made skin to skin much better and we weren't changing outfit after outfit because he had a lot of blowouts :)
Another reason we left him naked as well, is because we were constantly having to run tests! We had the hearing test, which we had to do twice since one of his ears didn't work out, and then he was constantly getting pricked, 1 because of his weight and 2 because of his jaundice that showed up the day we left the hospital! I will go into more detail when I post his birth story, but it was just easier to leave him naked and swaddled with everything that was going on!

Skyler was also my biggest baby at 8 lbs, 11 oz when he was born, but he dropped down into the 7lb and some ounces the first couple days. So while he was born big he still fit into newborn for a couple weeks at first. The onesies I packed for the hospital we just never ended up using though.

Next I packed two pair of newborn sleepers, and two 0-3 month sleepers so I had options of what to bring him home in. He wore the hospital hat for the first couple of hours before switching to the UGA one that his big brother wore, and he also wore the hat home because it was February when he was born and on the day we left it was rainy and cold! I put a 0-3 month sleeper on him, the green and gray stripped one and that was his coming home outfit and while it was baggy it fit him pretty well!

I also packed a couple diapers both in newborn size and size 1, because he was predicted to be a 10 lb baby, which had he cooked for another week he probably would have. He was born at 39 weeks exactly so he came out a healthy 8 lbs and 11 oz. I only used our diapers in our bag once we were headed home and had to change him at the store when picking up my medicine. Other than that, diapers and wipes were both provided!
Something I found weird with this delivery, is that we never received footprints. With all of my other littles, I have their little footprints in their baby books and a copy of them as well, but with this little we didn't receive footprints or have them done in the book. Since I was in surgery I am not exactly sure what happened, but with this little I took the book and filled out his information of when he was born but came back with no footprints, so this we used which I was surprised about :)
When I packed these swaddles, I intended to use them just when bringing him home, but we used these our entire hospital stay! They are so soft and the perfect swaddles, so they came in handy! He was super comfy and happy and it helped keep him warm without worrying about him getting too cold, since he was just in a diaper pretty much the whole stay.
I packed two burp clothes, and while he didn't eat much at first, since my milk didn't come in until the night we got home, we used the blue one to wipe his face after he did try feeding every time. He was getting colostrum the whole time, just not any milk so it wasn't messy enough to use both of them!
I also packed two hats, one in newborn size and one in 0-3 months but we didn't use either one, since he wore either the one he received at the hospital or the blue UGA one!
Last but not least, I packed socks and mittens and while he didn't wear the socks since they didn't fit over his ankle and the hospital band, we used the mittens. They were way too big and would often fall off, and baby boy scratched his face pretty badly the night before we were leaving, but we used them and tried everything to keep them on him, but he just was so tiny! :)
So there you have it! I definitely overpacked, but I wanted to be prepared for just about anything, so I am glad I had everything I did! It was a completely different experience at the hospital where the only time baby boy was away from me was his little surgery, and even that he was only gone for an hour tops! Everything else was done in the room and he slept in the room with us too!
Thanks for stopping by today! Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week!
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