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Showing posts from May, 2016

Let's Talk:Summer plans

Happy Tuesday Ya'll! Hopefully everyone had a safe and happy Memorial Day! It barely rained at our house, we had a few showers, but just an hour north it was awful! Flooding highways and crazy torrential rain and wind. Today I am linking up with a link up that happened yesterday! Andrea and Erika host a Let's Talk link up and today we are talking all about plans for the summer! We have a busy but fun  summer planned!  Lots and lots of beach days! Now that we live 30 minutes away from the beach we like to go to, we are definitely going to be going more often! Plus we have two more girls to go along on the journey with us!  Lots of cuddling! I love when my littles cuddle with me and it is a rare occasion when they will both sit with me at the same time so I am looking forward to all the cuddles and love this summer will bring! Outside time is definitely planned for this summer! Whether we are playing with chalk, bubbles, the pool or water, we wil...

Memorial Day

Source: here  Happy Memorial Day! Today I am soaking up all the family time! Catch me back here when I do the Let's Talk linkup that is going on today! Have a safe and happy Memorial Day and remember those who sacrificed their lives. XOXO

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! Has this week moved so slow or is it just me? I'm so happy it is Friday! Scott has a three day weekend after work ends today and I could not be more excited! He deserves a break from work! His girls are also coming tomorow so we have a busy weekend but we are excited! Today I am linking up with Andrea , Erika , and Narci for Friday Favorites! One We have been enjoying the beautiful weather and playing outside every second we can get! With awful weather headed our way we have taken advantage of the not too hot, but warm enough temperatures to throw our suits on and play with the water table and baby pool! Riley playing with Charlotte is a favorite this week and for always! I love their little bond!  Two I have just recently rediscovered Snapchat and while Riley takes his first morning nap on me, I used snapchat this week to pass the time and it was definitely a favorite! The puppy filter is the best one!  Three On Tuesday we talke...

Throwback Thursday: Charlotte's Second birthday!

Happy Thursday! Today I'm doing a little Throwback Thursday to March when we celebrated Charlotte's second birthday! March was a crazy hectic month because we were traveling back and forth for looking at houses, signing paperwork, putting in an offer and all that is involved plus packing up the entire apartment and putting it into storage! It was crazy and amongst all the crazy I still managed to not only plan but also throw a party for our baby girl! Fast forward through closing, moving and getting settled and I finally have time to write this post! #betterlatethannever Am I right haha!? These were here invitations. They were the cutest little invitations and didn't take too long to fill in for the guests! Her birthday party was from 12-2 on her birthday Saturday March 12 and we had a small family gathering! She loves Bubble Guppies, so I knew it would be the perfect theme for her party!  I put her into bed and took her photo of her last time being 23 months old...

What's Up Wednesday: 5/25/2016

Happy Wednesday!  Today I am doing something different and linking up with a new link up for me! I have always enjoyed reading these posts but have never had the courage to join up! Welcome to What's Up Wednesday!  What we're eating this week:  Monday was taco night Tuesday was homemade pizza Tonight we are having stuffed peppers Thursday we are having breakfast for dinner Friday we are grilling out Saturday we will be out of town, picking up the girls at the airport so we will be eating out Sunday: probably eating out again because we will be coming home  What I'm reminiscing about:  This little is 8 months old today! If feels like he was just born!  I'm also thinking about little Charlotte and our time at the beach in Virginia! This time last year we were traveling around and this year we are preparing for two more girls to be here with us for the summer  What I'm loving: We have finally finish...