Happy Tuesday Ya'll! Hopefully everyone had a safe and happy Memorial Day! It barely rained at our house, we had a few showers, but just an hour north it was awful! Flooding highways and crazy torrential rain and wind. Today I am linking up with a link up that happened yesterday! Andrea and Erika host a Let's Talk link up and today we are talking all about plans for the summer! We have a busy but fun summer planned! Lots and lots of beach days! Now that we live 30 minutes away from the beach we like to go to, we are definitely going to be going more often! Plus we have two more girls to go along on the journey with us! Lots of cuddling! I love when my littles cuddle with me and it is a rare occasion when they will both sit with me at the same time so I am looking forward to all the cuddles and love this summer will bring! Outside time is definitely planned for this summer! Whether we are playing with chalk, bubbles, the pool or water, we wil...