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Friday Favorites

Happy Happy Friday! We have survived another week! I'm so happy that it is the weekend finally! We have had a crazy stressful week this week! 
Today I am linking 
up with Andrea, Erika and Narci for Friday Favorites!


It has been super hot in the mornings and then super rainy in the afternoons so after dinner we have been going on walks as a family around the neighborhood! It feels good to walk and by the time the rain has stopped it has cooled down significantly so we aren't dying on our walk! Walks with these two are a favorite! 

This girl really loves to read, and so going to the library is a favorite for sure! I love that she is willing to go to the library and pick out books with Momma! She even hands the books and her library card to the people so she can check them out! It is the cutest and sweetest thing!

We did home tours this week for Show and 
Tell Tuesday and it was a favorite post for sure! I love being able to share with people even though our home is still a work in progress. If you missed that post you can check it out here.

These outfits are by far my favorite! Little brother and big sister shirts for these two from Carter's and they were only 5 dollars! These littles are growing up so fast before my eyes it is hard to believe! I love these two more than words! 

This weekend we are hanging out around the house! I may go shopping for little boy since he is outgrowing his clothes but that may even wait until next week sometime! We will see! I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a great weekend full of fun!
Thanks for stopping by!


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