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January Life Update

Hello friends! It has been a crazy busy month with school, work, the gym, and everything else in between! Scott got the flu, then the babies and I got colds and still have our colds so its been cleaning and sanitizing and keeping fluids and medicine in our systems to fight this nasty cough that keeps lingering!

It's been quite some time since I've been in the blogging world. We traveled a lot in December, whether it was for appointments or visits with family, or going to the airport or Christmas travels or even the two week vacation we took! We did so much so blogging took a back seat for a while, but I have enjoyed the time spent with my littles and my husband so it all worked out.

Today I have a bunch of pictures compiled from January and I am planning on recapping all the crazy but fun we had over this past month. It is so fitting that this post is coming out today too, since it is January 31st. Where did the first month of the year go?!? Crazy

Sit back, relax and enjoy the crazy cuties that fill my day.

On the first day of the new year this little boy had a pop tart, his milk and his daddy's phone. (His daddy staged this photo, he doesn't ever have his daddy's phone haha) 

cuddles with dad because how many people can fit in one chair?! 

On the second day of January we went to the grocery store and stocked up on everything. I like to do a big grocery haul at Sam's each month to stock up our freezer on meat and our pantry on canned goods so that every week we only have to get milk and fresh fruit that I cannot get in bulk. 
This little boy was whispering to his sister as we were walking down the aisles and it was the cutest thing. 

So we live in South Georgia, about an hour and 45 minutes from Jacksonville Florida, so very south where the coldest it gets is in the 50s. Well, that all changed when we got a snow day. 

Yes, that is right, I said snow. We got a good 4 inches of snow that completely shut everything down, including the road my husband was trying to get back home on because he had to go to the airport that day. Luckily he made it back home safely. 

since we had gone to Nashville the week before and it was so very cold, we stocked up on cold gear for the kids, including snow suits which I told myself we would never use again, and boom it snowed at our house. 

It was Riley's first ever snow, and to say he liked it was an understatement. He hated the bundling up part but was so excited to be outside and be warm. 

It was absolutely beautiful but so very cold.  

With it being freezing cold, and snowing outside we played with all the toys 

and stayed warm and cozy with a few excursions to play outside. 

We headed back out the next day, where the snow had still not melted on one side of the house

and daddy joined us for some snow fun

and we built a snowman that Riley did not knock down. 

January called for all the snuggles with my baby boy 

and the cutest smiles and laughs 

and dinner dates with my boy

we had a sleepover in Athens as a surprise for Mimi's birthday where we treated her to dinner and a surprise photo book

Elevator pictures on our way to breakfast 

The sweetest little babies, I am truly blessed to call these two mine

I rearranged our house to accommodate for the dog now being in the house with us. 

and we got to go on a breakfast date with daddy last minute, because he wasn't working until the afternoon and had some time to kill 

My sweet girl 

We started out the year strong by going to a friends birthday party, where we got to play with all of our friends! 

We have made some many downstairs messes it is not even funny, 

and this little boy had his first haircut. Not much was cut off, but still *cue the momma tears* 

Laying on the floor and watching tv with daddy is always a good time 

Just for the families privacy, I covered Charlotte's best friends face, but we went to a game night and had pizza and games and the kids got to play and run around outside and then we watched a movie to calm to kids down before leaving for baths and bedtime. 

Holding hands with my big girl, while my boy sits in my lap 

and this is how Riley feels about me vacuuming the carpets. He was not amused

nap time has not happened for the past couple of weeks and it has really worn me down, so I finally put these two in my bed one day and they immediately fell asleep. It is a good day when the kids take a nap and give momma a break :) 

We had a picnic one night for dinner where these two sat at their little table. We don't often sit away from the dinner table so it was super fun for these two 

it is fun to watch these two as individuals, Charlotte loves puzzles and Riley loves blocks, so while I was cleaning and purging toys I had Charlotte put the puzzles together because it has been so long since they were all completely together and Riley built walls and castles. And ignore the bed, I made it after we were done with all the mess as a fresh start :P 

These two like to horse around and wrestle and Riley was trying so hard to pull his sister across the floor by her foot *no children were harmed* 

All we do is play and sometimes we even stay in our pajamas and play, especially this past weekend when momma was sick and didn't want to dress the kids, but diapers were changed because we can't not change diapers haha 

Yesterday even though I really did not want to go we braved the wind and cold and headed to the grocery store to stock up on essentials. These two go leather jackets for Christmas and they are absolutely adorable in them 

and on our last night before the end of January these two made the biggest mess in the living room and played and played and played. We cleaned it up before bed though! 

January has been full month! There have been more toys played with, and more messes made than before and we have enjoyed some good quality family time! The first month of school is officially coming to a close and work is back in full swing. We are loving life and excited or this new year! 
Here is to 2018, it will probably be the messiest year yet! 
Thanks for stopping by!
See you real soon 


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