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Day in the Life: February 2018

Hey Ya'll! Today I am doing a day in the life post! It's my first Day in the Life of 2018 and lets just say this year has started out busy! I recorded a day in the life of last Thursday, February 15, and it was insane. 
Normally I go to they gym at 4:30 in the morning, but I woke up feeling way too tired since hubs got in at 3 am and I of course waited up for him, so we slept in a little bit later than I normally would! 

7 am wake up

and 10 minutes later hubs was out the door with his coffee and on his way to work. 

Time for my first cup of coffee for the day

and I got the kiddos some milk and pop tarts since I heard them walking around! 

Checking emails, and my blog, and work things

Started laundry 

Made the bed, picked up around our bedroom and opened the blinds! I love the natural light in our room 

and saw the kiddos playing together quietly 

The 18 year old let Ollie out this morning, so I fed him and gave him some love

and then came back inside to unload the dishwasher 

and put out meat for dinner

Then it was time to get dressed and ready for the day

Two smiling kids all ready to get in the car

and I put my make-up on, while the van warmed up, I look so excited lol 

Two kids buckled up and ready

and a protein smoothie to fill my stomach until lunch 

so at this point things got a little hectic. We pulled out of the driveway at 9:30 and on the main road our neighborhood is off of, I passed my husband in the car. Well, he was headed home for the day since some things went down at work and he was just too tired to deal with it, so he hopped into the car with some donuts and we went off on our errands 

My favorites :) <3 

Loaded in the buggy at Target 

and first stop is coffee and chocolate milk 

Once we got back home I let Ollie back outside 

and realized I had not done a outfit picture, just a gray pair of jeans and my Mama bear shirt

with my black converse that I absolutely love! 

Cup of coffee for this momma with my new mug

and a random assortment of things that we picked up at Target including a birthday present for one of our best friends! 

I noticed the pup was laying in the sun 

and this little girl had pulled out all of the puzzles

this little boy loves to play with bouncy balls, so he was grabbing them while I was making my way to my room 

to tackle the growing pile of laundry 

These two are so good and play together so well, I just love that they have a good relationship with each other.

While the kids were playing I could hear the elephant having some trouble and knew it was time to change the batteries, so with the elephant and screwdriver in hand we made our way down for lunch. 

Riley is in that phase where all he will eat right now is peanut butter sandwiches, so lunch was that and some goldfish and the last of the strawberries! 

Cuddles with mama's boy after lunch 

and then these two helped clean up and went down for naps 

during naps I will read, or answer emails or in this case hubby was home so we got to hang out and talk since we don't often see each other that much. Then he went downstairs to work on his homework 

and I packed snack bags for the kiddos 

and grabbed myself a quick lunch 

before it was back in the car for carpool time

We had to pick up both girls this afternoon, so it was a fun filled afternoon in the van. 

Luckily we got home in just enough time to run some steam off

and play with some chalk 

and momma got to pour herself some wine

and prepare dinner, which was taco spaghetti tonight. 


We colored a little bit after dinner 

and then hopped into the bathtub and got all squeaky clean and In pjs 

and this little boy wanted some time with daddy 

and was actually mad when I put him in bed. Luckily he didn't cry for longer than a minute and was asleep before long

so I headed downstairs to put dinner away and load the dishwasher up and run it again. 

Scott and I took some time to play our game tonight, we play the playstation together and it was a lot of fun this night. We stayed up entirely too late, but I consider nights like this our date nights bemuses we take time to just hang out and be together! 

Set the alarm for in the morning so we could get our Friday underway and then lights out at 11! 

So that was a Thursday in our life. Luckily I don't have to pick the girls up everyday it just so happens that in this season of life they are both doing an activity that requires me to be in the same place at the same time haha. That will change in a couple of weeks when the 13 year old stops her activity after the completion. 

Thanks for coming along! Check back soon :) 


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