Welcome to the world to our sweet boy Skyler James! He was born on Sunday February 17, 2019 at 11:41 am at 8 lbs, 11 oz and we are so smitten and in love! After a week off, I am finally back into the swing of things of our routine with driving to and from school and doing all things mom life such as dishes, laundry and cooking meals. Taking it super slow and easy but still able to get through the days relatively well! Skyler is a wonderful boy who has had some jaundice problems, but nothing we can't overcome together! Big sister and brother are absolutely smitten with him as well and love to help out as much as they can, even if it means holding his hand and talking to him! So very blessed by our newest blessing and cannot wait to see where this life leads! So there you have it, we have welcomed another sweet boy into our lives and ...