Howdy Ya'll! Welcome back to the blog!
Today I am posting a day in the life, my most favorite blog of all time! It is so much fun to document what our day looks like, especially so I can look back and see how far we have come with our days!
I picked a random day last week, so I picked Wednesday January 16,
and started bright and early at 4:15 when hubby wakes up for work!
I make his lunch, three sandwiches, some water, and some snack crackers before he heads out the door at 5.
I have also started to through everything but Char's sandwich in her lunch box so all I have to do is grab her sandwich and ice pack and through her lunch in her backpack. Makes life easier :)
I fill my cup with some more water, and a splash of apple juice
and play a game of Solitaire
before cuddling up with this little at 5:30 when he comes in for snuggles and another hour of sleep!
My next alarm goes off at 6:25 when I have to get the kiddos up and dressed and out the door
Lunch is done
and the kiddos requested cereal this morning so into small baggies it goes,
and my little side kick sitting helping me with blanket and milk in hand
I have my water and coffee to go, and we are out the door by 6:50
and in car drop off at 7:15
While we wait for the bell to ring at 7:30, I go over my to do list and check emails
and by 8 we are home and he is set up with cartoons
the dog gets fed and let out
and I pull chicken out to thaw for dinner!
I head upstairs to change into clothes for the day since I wear my sweats to drop char off
and make my bed
Then it is back downstairs to unload the dishwasher and set out the dishes that need to dry during the day
I make myself some toast for breakfast
and fill my water cup up again
34 weeks pregnant and a quick snap of my outfit
before we are out the door at 9 to be at my doctors appointment at 9:30
Back home and finally able to get laundry started
and a snack for mom and Riley snacks on the chips too, just not the refried beans
and I also make myself some fruit because I'm still hungry #pregnantlife
at 12:30 Riley gets lunch, bologna and cheese which is what he requests everyday!
and then we are out the door again at 1:30 to head to pick Char up
One Pre-K student picked up and in the car at 2:30 to head home
After school snack and drinks
and I make myself an actual lunch since refried beans and chips were only a snack
and I fold a load of baby blankets while the kids have quiet time!
From 3 until 5:30 we have quiet time. Char bear naps at school but Riley has given up naps all together so we have some time to be quiet after school. Some days that is playing with toys, so its not all quiet, or watching a movie but it is always designated time to just chill and relax!
At 6:00 dinner is ready to go into the oven, and I have already cooked up the chicken and sliced it and put everything together so it will only take 30 minutes to heat up
so at 6:30 we have dinner and the dog comes in for the night.
I have a cup of tea
and at 7:15 the kiddos are getting ready for a bath and talking to Mimi over FaceTime!
At 8:00 on the dot, the kids are in bed
and I switch some laundry over to the dryer before heading down to clean up dinner and wipe down the counters with my favorite All-Purpose cleaner
at 8:30 I head back upstairs with another glass of water
and fold the clothes from the dryer!
I set alarms for the next day
do some work on my computer
and finally lay down at right before 10 pm.
So there you have it!
This is what our day looks like but just with an added doctor's appointment in the mix!
Some days there are naps since I'm in hibernation mode over here haha and some days I can't actually fall asleep until midnight, because pregnancy insomnia is definitely real with this baby, but this is our typical day in a life right now.
With a new little one set to arrive in the next few weeks life will change again, so stay tuned for an updated day in the life probably around March :) once the sleep deprivation and routine sets in and gets normal! Life with these littles is fun, but exhausting and I can't wait to see just how much fun we have this year!
Here are all my other day in the life posts if you haven't seen them!
February 2018
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Wednesday! See you back here Friday!
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